The SPA’s commitment to good governance is based on clear roles and responsibilities. Wehave robust governance procedures in place covering all areas of decision making across our organisation.
We have eight core values:
• Respectful and understanding of all our stakeholders
• Operate to the highest standards of excellence and integrity
• Be transparent and collaborative as a global citizen
• Accountable and resilient in delivering for the Somali people.
We adhere to rigorous standards of corporate governance in order to ensure that the SPA successfully supports the MOMPR in its goal to attract international investment and to maximise the economic recovery of the country’s oil and gas reserves.
The Directors consider it essential that the SPA should be both led and controlled by an effective Board. The Board consists of one Executive Chairman and Board Members, one from each Member State. It focuses on the SPA’s long term objectives and development prioritiesin line with our values. It maintains sound risk management, internal control systems and reviews the effectiveness of these on an annual basis.
The SPA has established a calendar of business which covers strategic planning, annual forecasts and performance self-assessments, as well as the conduct of standing business. The calendar forms the basis for the effective integration of activities between the Board and management. Management is tasked with the delivery of targets approved by the Board.